
Enables you to export, import, and display component configuration settings in a baseline.


smartupdate configure --export baseline=<baselinename> dir=<directoryname> [component=<componentname> includeCredentials=true|false>]

smartupdate configure --import baseline=<baselinename> dir=<directoryname> [component=<componentname>]

smartupdate configure --show baseline=<baselinename> [component=<componentname>


This parameter exports component configuration to a specified directory.

This parameter imports component configuration from a specified directory.

This parameter displays the component configuration options for the components in a baseline.

Use this parameter to specify the baseline that contains the component you want to import, export, or show.

Use this parameter to specify the directory where you want to export or from where you want to import component configuration settings.

This is an optional parameter. This specifies the name of the component that you want to import, export, or show. If you do not specify a component, SUM exports, imports, or shows all components in a baseline.

This is an optional parameter. If you select true, SUM includes the user credentials when it exports configuration settings. The default for this parameter is true.

Windows usage

C:\>smartupdate configure /import baseline=C:\spp.2012.01 dir=C:\Components

In this example, all the component configurations present under C:\Components directory for C:\spp.2012.01 baseline will be loaded into SUM.

C:\>smartupdate configure /import baseline=C:\spp.2012.01 dir=C:\Components\cp022423_conf component=cp022423.exe

In this example, SUM only imports the configuration for the component cp022423.exe of the baseline C:\spp.2012.01 in the directory C:\Components.

C:\>smartupdate configure /show baseline=C:\spp.2012.01

In this example, SUM displays all the component configurations from the baseline C:\spp.2012.01.

Linux usage

$ ./smartupdate configure --export baseline=/root/SPP.2012.01 dir=/root/Components

In this example, SUM exports all the component configurations from the baseline /root/SPP.2012.01 to the directory /root/Components.

$ ./smartupdate configure --export baseline=/root/SPP.2012.01 dir=/root/Components component=hp-snmp-agents-10.10-2657.7.rhel6.i686.rpm includeCredentials=false

In this example, SUM only exports the configuration for the component hp-snmp-agents-10.10-2657.7.rhel6.i686.rpm from the baseline /root/SPP.2012.01 present in the directory /root/Components. SUM does not export credentials in this example.

$ ./smartupdate configure --show baseline=/root/SPP.2012.01 component=hp-snmp-agents-10.10-2657.7.rhel6.i686.rpm

In this example, SUM displays only the configuration for the component hp-snmp-agents-10.10-2657.7.rhel6.i686.rpm from the baseline /root/SPP.2012.01.