setattributes Enables you to change the attributes of an SUM node or session. The setattributes command might return an invalid parameter notice if the permissions are not correct, or if either the parameter is not part of the requested set or if the value is not allowed. NOTE: The setattributes options and their values are separated by the equals sign (=). Do not add a space before and after the equals sign in any option and value combination. To view a list of attributes you can change, use the command getattributes. The available attributes change based on the nodes and baselines added in each session. For example: smartupdate /getattributes /session (Windows) smartupdate /getattributes /nodes (Windows) Syntax smartupdate setattributes --nodes [<nodelist>] attribute1=value1 attribute2=value2 smartupdate setattributes --session attribute1=value1 Assign session attributes in the interactive CLI: smartupdate setattributes --session <attribute>=<value> (Linux) smartupdate setattributes /session <attribute>=<value> (Windows) Parameters --nodes [<nodelist>] attribute=value Specify the nodes and attributes that you want to apply to nodes. --session attribute=value Specify the session attribute you want to apply. Session attributes are global. Session parameter options auto_save_session [true|false] auto_save_session_time <integer>—The time in minutes. The default is 15 minutes. engine_mode [debug|release] software [true|false]—This defines the option for all nodes added in this session. firmware [true|false]—This defines the option for all nodes added in this session. rewrite [true|false]—This defines the option for all nodes added in this session. downgrade [true|false]—This defines the option for all nodes added in this session. language [en|ja|cn] verbosity [normal|verbose|veryverbose] normal—The default amount of information provided by SUM about a deployment. verbose—Provides more details about a deployment, if information is available. veryverbose—Provides more details about a deployment, if information is available. verbose [true|false] smartupdate setattributes /nodes verbose=true Determines the amount of details SUM provides during deployment. report_dir [directory_path]—Directory path where you want SUM to save reports. For example: C:\SUM_reports\. open_firewall [true|false] Optional parameter that allows SUM to open the HTTP and HTTPs ports for external communication. Also used to open the ports for remote node functionality and for remote browser access. reboot Valid options: ifneeded, always, never Determines the reboot options for this session. Node parameter options Use_vCenter Options for VMware nodes: [true|false] If you set this attribute as true, enter the following settings: vcenter_host—IP address for the VMware vCenter node. vcenter_username—Username for the VMware vCenter node. vcenter_password—Password for the user connecting to the VMware vCenter node. These parameters can also be set as session attributes. encryption_key Option: String of a minimum of eight characters. Required parameter for VC nodes with FIPS mode enabled. SUM uses the encryption key to encrypt the configuration saved to disk during the update process. This value is independent and does not need to match the VC password. Assign this parameter after successful completion of VC inventory. ethactorder Possible values: ODDEVEN/PARALLEL/SERIAL/MANUAL, the default value is ODDEVEN. Use this command to determine VC-Enet module activation order. ilo_username Possible values: <ilo username> iLO username with Administrator privileges. ilo_password Possible values: <ilo password> Password for iLO Administrator user. fcactorder Possible values: ODDEVEN/PARALLEL/SERIAL/MANUAL, the default value is SERIAL. Use this command to determine VC–FC activation order. ethactdelay Valid entries: 0–60 minutes. The default is 0 minutes. Use this command to determine the time, in minutes, between activating or rebooting VC-Enet modules. fcactdelay Valid entries: 0–60 minutes. The default is 0 minutes. Use this command to determine the time, in minutes, between activating or rebooting VC-FC modules. use_sshkey (Linux nodes only) Potential options: true false Other attributes: privatekeyfile – Enter the address for the private key. The private key must be in PEM format. passphrase – (Optional) Enter the passphrase for the private key. These parameters can also be set as session attributes. no_mgmt Potential options: true false No AMS, SNMP, or WBEM Providers are selected for deployment. use_snmp (Linux only) Potential options: true false SUM deploys SNMP components. use_wmi (Windows only) Potential options: true false SUM deploys WBEM Provider components. use_ams (Gen9 and later) Potential options: true false SUM deploys AMS components to both Windows and Linux systems. skip_prereqs = <true|false> By default SUM installs the CHIF driver on Windows nodes. Use the true option to skip installing the CHIF driver. ignore_tpm Potential options: [true|false] This parameter tells SUM to ignore the TPM warning message when a TPM or TM module is installed on a server. This parameter is supported on server and iLO nodes. on_failed_dependency [omithost|omitcomponent|force] omithost—SUM skips the host if it discovers a dependency failure. (Default) omitcomponent—SUM skips components with failed dependencies. Other components on the node are deployed. force—SUM forces the components with a failed dependency to deploy. ignore_warnings Potential options: [true|false] This parameter tells SUM to ignore warnings if it encounters any. Some errors are: Pending iLO 5 task queue warning. Exception task queue warning. iLO 5 or iSUT warnings. TPM/TM warnings. Low disk space. iLO 5 parameters save_install_set <true/false> True: Saves the install set on the iLO Repository. False: (Default) Does not save the install set on the iLO Repository. install_set_name <SPP_baseline> Provide the install set's name to save on the iLO Repository. Valid only for SPP baselines. install_set_description <description> Saves the description you assign the install set. clear_ilo_update_list <true/false> True: Clears the iLO update queue before adding the a new install set. False: (Default) Does not clear the iLO update queue. iLO_queued_update Use this parameter to deploy components that are saved on the iLO Repository. This parameter does not work with --install_set_name ,--clear_ilo_update_list, --save_install_set, and --install_set_description. manually_manage_iLO_repository = <true> True: (Default) Prevents SUM from automatically removing install sets to make room for new install sets. skip_missing_compsig Possible values: [TRUE|FALSE] Skips deploying components that do not have component signature files. The default value is false. Superdome X parameter options update_type [ALL/COMPLEX/PARTITIONS]—This value tells SUM what to Superdome X nodes to update. device_list [devicelist]—This value tells SUM which Superdome X nodes you want to update. reboot_list [rebootlist]—This value tells SUM which Superdome X nodes to reboot after deployment. Downgrade and rewrite parameter options The following describes GUI downgrade and rewrite combinations and the corresponding interactive CLI parameters: Software only smartupdate setattributes /nodes localhost rewrite=false downgrade=false firmware=false software=true Firmware only smartupdate setattributes /nodes localhost rewrite=false downgrade=false firmware=true software=false Firmware and software smartupdate setattributes /nodes localhost rewrite=false downgrade=false firmware=true software=true Downgrade software smartupdate setattributes /nodes localhost rewrite=false downgrade=true firmware=false software=true Downgrade firmware smartupdate setattributes /nodes localhost rewrite=false downgrade=true firmware=true software=false Downgrade both smartupdate setattributes /nodes localhost rewrite=false downgrade=true firmware=true software=true Rewrite software smartupdate setattributes /nodes localhost rewrite=true downgrade=false firmware=false software=true Rewrite firmware smartupdate setattributes /nodes localhost rewrite=true downgrade=false firmware=true software=false Rewrite both smartupdate setattributes /nodes localhost rewrite=true downgrade=false firmware=true software=true Rewrite and downgrade software smartupdate setattributes /nodes localhost rewrite=true downgrade=true firmware=false software=true Rewrite and downgrade firmware smartupdate setattributes /nodes localhost rewrite=true downgrade=true firmware=true software=false Rewrite and downgrade both smartupdate setattributes /nodes localhost rewrite=true downgrade=true firmware=true software=true Windows usage C:\> smartupdate setattributes /nodes firmware=true software=true rewrite=true downgrade=true C:\> smartupdate setattributes /nodes update_type=all C:\> smartupdate setattributes /session open_firewall=yes C:\> smartupdate setattributes /nodes use_vcenter=true vcenter_host= vcenter_username=test vcenter_password=password Linux usage $ ./smartupdate setattributes --nodes firmware=true software=true rewrite=true downgrade=true $ ./smartupdate setattributes --nodes update_type=all $ ./smartupdate setattributes -session open_firewall=yes $ ./smartupdate setattributes --nodes use_vcenter=true vcenter_host= vcenter_username=test vcenter_password=password Return codes SUCCESS_NO_REBOOT Windows: 0 Linux: 0 Text: The command was successful. SUCCESS_REBOOT Windows: 1 Linux: 1 Text: The command was successful but a reboot is required. SUCCESS_NOT_REQUIRED Windows: 3 Linux: 3 Text: The command completed successfully, but was not required or everything is already current. FAILURE_GENERAL Windows: -1 Linux: 255 Text: A general failure occurred. For details, see the logs. FAILURE_BAD_PARM Windows: -2 Linux: 254 Text: A bad input parameter was encountered. For details, see the logs. FAILURE_COMPONENT_FAILED Windows: -3 Linux: 253 Text: The installation of the component failed. FAILURE_COMMAND_FAILED Windows: -4 Linux: 252 Text: The command failed. For details, see the logs.