getlogs Launches the GatherLogs function for SUM, which collects all logs in to a compressed file. By default, SUM saves the log files in one of the following locations: Windows C:\cpqsystem\log C:\cpqsystem\sum\log C:\Windows\Temp\SUM %localappdata%\sum Linux /var/log/sum /var/cpq /var/tmp/SUM Options debuglogdir <directorypath> Tells SUM to find the log files in a directory other than the default directory. logdir <directorypath> Tells SUM to find the log files in a directory other than the default directory. Syntax smartupdate getlogs Windows usage C:\> smartupdate getlogs Linux usage $ ./smartupdate getlogs Return codes SUCCESS_NO_REBOOT Windows: 0 Linux: 0 Text: The command was successful. SUCCESS_REBOOT Windows: 1 Linux: 1 Text: The command was successful but a reboot is required. SUCCESS_NOT_REQUIRED Windows: 3 Linux: 3 Text: The command completed successfully, but was not required or everything is already current. FAILURE_GENERAL Windows: -1 Linux: 255 Text: A general failure occurred. For details, see the logs. FAILURE_BAD_PARM Windows: -2 Linux: 254 Text: A bad input parameter was encountered. For details, see the logs. FAILURE_COMPONENT_FAILED Windows: -3 Linux: 253 Text: The installation of the component failed. FAILURE_COMMAND_FAILED Windows: -4 Linux: 252 Text: The command failed. For details, see the logs.