HP Smart Update Manager CLI Help Copyright (c) 2009, 2014 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. September 2014 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 1 Introduction to the HP SUM command-line options The HP SUM CLI and Input file modes allow you to deploy updates from a baseline to the local and remote nodes. In CLI mode, add all parameters in one command line to execute the entire sequence on multiple nodes without any user interaction. This method requires the silent command. You can update one or more nodes using this method. Use Input file mode to add all parameters to a text file, and then call HP SUM using the inputfile command with the text file name as the parameter. This method requires the silent command. Using the Input file method allows you to provide a larger number of nodes to update. The HP SUM CLI and Input file modes are process-oriented tools. HP SUM finishes the command, and then it does not save the settings or results. If you want to perform a few steps and save the work for later, use the GUI or interactive CLI mode. For more information on using HP SUM in GUI or interactive CLI mode, see the HP Smart Update Manager User Guide at: http://www.hp.com/go/hpsum/documentation 1.1 Benefits of each CLI mode Choose the HP SUM CLI mode that fits your server environment best. Strengths for each CLI mode are listed below. +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | Number of | | | | CLI Mode | Nodes | Scripting Strengths | After Updating | |----------+------------+-----------------------------+------------------| | | | Use one command to issue | Gather detailed | | CLI | 1-3 nodes | all instructions to the | results from log | | | | nodes. | files afterward. | |----------+------------+-----------------------------+------------------| | | | o Create a file that | | | | | includes all | | | | | information for | | | | | baselines and nodes. | Gather detailed | | Input | 1-20 nodes | | results from log | | file | | o Save files for future | files afterward. | | | | use. | | | | | | | | | | o Issue CLI command that | | | | | calls the Input file. | | +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ 1.2 Scheduling CLI or Input file updates Use standard operating system tools to schedule HP SUM to run an Input file or CLI command. On a Windows system, use the Task Scheduler application and on a Linux system use the cron function. When you create the scheduled tasks, be sure to include hpsum /s on a Windows system, or hpsum --s on a Linux system. See the documentation for these applications for more information. 1.3 Using Linux and HP-UX root credentials If you run HP SUM and add a remote Linux or HP-UX system, you can use root credentials, a user with sudo permissions, or provide both non-root and root credentials. 1.3.1 Prerequisites for using Linux and HP-UX root credentials on a remote node o If you have run HP SUM as a root user directly on this system in the past, remove the temp directory created by HP SUM. o Make sure the user has read/write access permissions to the /tmp and /var directories. o If you create a sudo user, make sure that you add that user to the /etc/sudoers file. The following table shows the privileges and specifications for users. +---------------------------------------+ | User | Privilege | Specification | |-----------+-----------+---------------| | Root | ALL=(ALL) | ALL | |-----------+-----------+---------------| | Sudo_user | ALL | All | +---------------------------------------+ o Edit the entry in the /etc/sudoers file so the system asks for the sudo user password instead of root user password when you run the sudo command. o The following table shows the privileges to comment or remove from /etc/sudoers. +----------------------------------+ | User | Privilege | Specification | |------+-----------+---------------| | All | ALL=(ALL) | ALL | +----------------------------------+ ------------------------------------------------- WARNING! Only use this option with Defaults targetpw. ------------------------------------------------- o To use super user functionality, configure the user as a super user with all root privileges. You can also use non-root user with a root user to update components. o When using SSH keys for login credentials combined with sudo, edit the entry in the /etc/sudoers file so that the system does not ask for the user password as follows: +---------------------------------------+ | User | Privilege | Specification | |-----------+-----------+---------------| | sudo_user | ALL | NOPASSWD:ALL | +---------------------------------------+ 1.3.2 Using SSH keyfile with root credentials HP SUM allows you to log in with a password or by providing an SSH key. 1. On the node that is running HP SUM, type ssh-keygen -t rsa. A passphrase is optional. 2. Save the key in the directory .ssh /id_rsa.pub. Verify that the private key is in PEM format by opening the key and viewing the top of the key for the following text: ---- BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY ---- 3. If necessary, on the node you want to update, create an .ssh directory at the root level. Set the permissions level on the directory to 700. 4. Determine if the node you want to update has the file .ssh/authorized_keysfile. If this file is not present, create or append this file. Set the permissions on the authorized_keys file to 640. ----------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: If you append the file, more users are authorized to use the private key. ----------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Copy the contents of .ssh/id_rsa.pub on the host node, and then paste them into tho the .ssh/authorized_keysfile on the remote node. 6. Open an SSH path between the host node and the node you want to update. 1. Type ssh root@ This opens a shell path. 2. Type ssh root@ uname. This executes the command and returns. 7. HP SUM requires access to id_rsa (private key file), and the passphrase, if you created a passphrase. ----------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: If other applications require the public key in PEM format, you can convert it by typing ssh-keygen -e -f id_rsa.pub > id_rsa_pub.pem. Open the key, and look at the PEM format for ---- BEGIN SSH2 PUBLIC KEY ----. ----------------------------------------------------------------- To create a private key on a Windows system, you can use an application like PuttyGen. For more information, see: https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-create-ssh-keys-with-putty-to-connect-to-a-vps To export the file to PEM format, select, Conversion+Export OpenSSH key. Chapter 2 HP SUM CLI and Input file commands overview 2.1 CLI commands In HP SUM CLI mode, you must type all parameters in one command line. When you press the Enter key, HP SUM executes the entire sequence. All CLI commands require the/s (Windows) or --s (Linux) to run. 2.1.1 Command-line syntax --------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPORTANT: Command-line mode does not support double-byte character sets. Any commands entered in the command line using a double-byte character set do not display correctly. --------------------------------------------------------------------- The general command-line syntax for HP SUM is as follows: hpsum --s --use_location --r hpsum /s /use_location /r On Windows, use a slash before each argument. On Linux, use a two hyphens before each argument. --------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: HP SUM with OA requires a user ID and password to log in. The user ID must be an administrator equivalent ID and not an operator or user equivalent level ID. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.1.2 Command-line description +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Command | Description | |------------------------+-----------------------------------------------| | hpsum | Launches HP SUM. | |------------------------+-----------------------------------------------| | --s | Initiates the CLI mode. This is one of the | | | installation commands you can issue. For more | | /s | installation commands, see "Installation | | | commands". | |------------------------+-----------------------------------------------| | | Provide the IP address for the node. | | --target | | | | You can add more node details, for example, | | /target | user credentials. | | | | | | For more node commands, see "Node commands". | |------------------------+-----------------------------------------------| | | Tells HP SUM what to do if it encounters a | | --on_failed_dependency | failed dependency on a node. | | | | | /on_failed_dependency | For more override error commands, see | | | "Override error commands". | |------------------------+-----------------------------------------------| | | Tells HP SUM whether to reboot a node after | | --r | deploying updates. | | | | | /r | For more reboot commands, see "Reboot | | | commands". | |------------------------+-----------------------------------------------| | --v | Tells HP SUM to use verbose log settings. | | | | | /v | For more information, see "Log file | | | commands". | |------------------------+-----------------------------------------------| | --report | Generates HP SUM reports. | | | | | /report | For more information, see "Report commands". | |------------------------+-----------------------------------------------| | | Superdome 2/X enclosures offer multiple | | --update_type | update types, ALL, COMPLEX, or PARTITIONS. | | | | | /update_type | For more information, see "Superdome 2/X | | | server commands". | |------------------------+-----------------------------------------------| | --h | Launches the HP SUM CLI help file. | | | | | /h | For more information, see "Help commands". | +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ 2.2 Input file overview --------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPORTANT: The Input file contains both configuration details and target node information. You can also add credentials and remote host information for updates. Input files are plain-text files, for greater security, omit the credentials from the file and pass them to HP SUM using the command line. This requires that all nodes in the Input file use the same user ID and password. --------------------------------------------------------------------- HP SUM CLI with Input files allows you to create .txt file scripts for updating multiple nodes, individual nodes, or groups of nodes (HP ProLiant and Integrity servers and options) within a single operation. Use any plain-text editor to create the Input file. It is similar to markup languages that require headers and trailers to match. Use commas as list separators for parameters that can take list values. After creating your script file, add it as the inputfile parameter to an HP SUM command line. For example, to run the Input file hpsum.in, type: hpsum --inputfile hpsum.in (Linux) or hpsum /inputfile hpsum.in (Windows). You can add full paths to the Input file location if the file is not stored in the same location as the HP SUM executable files. Enclose the field in double quotes to enable paths with spaces. --------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: There is no Input file parameter to open a firewall port. If you want to open the firewall, add the parameter --open_firewall (Linux) or /open_firewall (Windows). For example: hpsum --inputfile hpsum.in (Linux) or hpsum /inputfile hpsum.in (Windows). --------------------------------------------------------------------- To modify an Input file without editing the file, use all of the command-line options along with the Input file. The command-line options take precedence over the commands in the Input file. 2.2.1 Input file sections An Input file contains the following sections: o Configuration o Targets The table below explains the sections of a sample Input file. #Input file sample SILENT = YES IGNOREERRORS = ServerNotFound,BadPassword, FailedDepedencies SKIPTARGET = NO SOURCEPATH = C:\SPP FORCEALL = YES REBOOTALLOWED = YES REBOOTDELAY = 30 REBOOTMESSAGE = "Install complete, server will reboot in 30 seconds" [TARGETS] HOST = UID = user PWD = password [END] [TARGETS] HOST = HOST = UID = user2 PWD = password2 [END] +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |Input file example |Section |Description | |--------------------------------------------------------------------+-------------+----------------| | | |The | | | |configuration | | | |section assigns | | | |all parameters | | | |for an Input | |#Input file sample | |file. The | |SILENT = YES | |configuration | |IGNOREERRORS = ServerNotFound,BadPassword, FailedDepedencies | |section ends at | |SKIPTARGET = NO | |the beginning of| |SOURCEPATH = C:\SPP |Configuration|the TARGETS | |FORCEALL = YES | |section. | |REBOOTALLOWED = YES | | | |REBOOTDELAY = 30 | |Lines that begin| |REBOOTMESSAGE = "Install complete, server will reboot in 30 seconds"| |with a pound (#)| | | |character are | | | |notes. No more | | | |than one pound | | | |character is | | | |allowed on a | | | |line. | |--------------------------------------------------------------------+-------------+----------------| |[TARGETS] | |The TARGETS | |HOST = | |section defines | |UID = user |Targets |each node that | |PWD = password | |you are | |[END] | |updating. | |--------------------------------------------------------------------+-------------+----------------| | | |If more than one| | | |node uses the | | | |same user | |[TARGETS_GROUP_HOME] | |credentials, | |HOST = | |list them all in| |HOST = | |the same TARGETS| |UID = user2 |Targets |section. | |PWD = password2 | | | |[END] | |You can add to a| | | |[TARGETS] title | | | |to provide an | | | |easy-to-remember| | | |description. | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ----------------------------------------------- NOTE: Only one command is allowed per line of text. ----------------------------------------------- Chapter 3 Issuing HP SUM CLI command examples The following sections provide deployment examples. For more information about all CLI commands, see "CLI parameters". For more information about all Input file commands, see "CLI with Input file parameters". --------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: If you do not specify a baseline, HP SUM deploys all updates available in the same directory from which HP SUM is running. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.1 Issuing an Input file command 1. Open a command-line window. 2. Navigate to the directory where HP SUM is located. 3. Type the following command, depending on your operating system: o hpsum --inputfile (Linux) o hpsum /inputfile Windows hpsum /silent /use_location 3.2.2 Input file mode Using a baseline in the same directory as HP SUM SILENT = YES [TARGETS] HOST = localhost UID = PWD = [END] Using a baseline in a different directory than HP SUM To update using a baseline in another directory: SILENT = YES SOURCEPATH = [TARGETS] HOST = localhost UID = PWD = [END] 3.3 Updating a remote node The following examples apply all updates in a baseline to a remote node. 3.3.1 CLI mode Using a baseline from the same directory running HP SUM Linux ./hpsum --s --target --targettype --user --passwd Windows hpsum /s /target /targettype /user /passwd Using a baseline in a different directory To update using a baseline in another directory: Linux ./hpsum --s --target --targettype --user --passwd --use_location Windows hpsum /s /target /targettype /user /passwd /use_location 3.3.2 Input file mode Using a baseline from the same directory running HP SUM SILENT = YES ONFAILEDDEPENDENCY = OMITCOMPONENT TARGETTYPE = [TARGETS] HOST = UID = PWD = [END] Using a baseline in a different directory To update using a baseline in another directory: SILENT = YES SOURCEPATH = ONFAILEDDEPENDENCY = OMITCOMPONENT TARGETTYPE = [TARGETS] HOST = UID = PWD = [END] 3.4 Updating two nodes The following examples apply all updates in a baseline to two nodes. 3.4.1 CLI mode Linux ./hpsum --s --target --targettype --user --passwd --target --user --passwd Windows hpsum /s /target /targettype /user /passwd /target /user /passwd --------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: These examples use the baseline in the same directory where HP SUM is running. If you want to use a different baseline, include the following command with the directory path for the baseline. /use_location --------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.4.2 Input file mode SILENT = YES IGNOREERRORS = ServerNotFound,BadPassword, FailedDepedencies SKIPTARGET = NO ONFAILEDDEPENDENCY = OMITCOMPONENT [TARGETS] HOST = TARGETTYPE = UID = PWD = [END] [TARGETS] HOST = TARGETTYPE = UID = PWD = [END] --------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: If both nodes use the same user credentials, you only need to provide them once. Instead of creating a second TARGETS entry, type the IP address for the second node in the first node entry. For example: [TARGETS] HOST = HOST = TARGETTYPE = UID = PWD = [END] --------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.5 Updating only the software on a node Using these examples, HP SUM updates only the software on a remote node. 3.5.1 CLI mode These examples use a baseline that is located in the same directory where HP SUM is running. Linux ./hpsum --s --target --user --passwd --softwareonly Windows hpsum /s /target /user /passwd /softwareonly --------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: If you want to use a different baseline, include the following command: --use_location (Linux) /use_location (Windows) --------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.5.2 Input file mode SILENT = YES SOFTWAREONLY = YES IGNOREERRORS = ServerNotFound,BadPassword, FailedDepedencies SKIPTARGET = NO ONFAILEDDEPENDENCY = OMITCOMPONENT [TARGETS] HOST = UID = PWD = [END] This example uses the baseline that is located in the same directory where HP SUM is running. To use a different baseline, add the following to the Input file: SOURCEPATH = 3.5.3 Updating only the firmware on a node To update only the firmware on a node, make the following changes to the examples that deployed software only: o CLI mode - remove the command softwareonly and adding romonly. o Input file mode - remove the command SOFTWAREONLY and adding ROMONLY. 3.6 Deploying the latest components to a node Using these examples, HP SUM only applies the latest updates from a directory that contains multiple baselines. 3.6.1 CLI mode Linux hpsum --silent --target --user --passwd Windows hpsum /silent /target /user /passwd 3.6.2 Input file mode SILENT = YES IGNOREERRORS = ServerNotFound,BadPassword, FailedDepedencies SKIPTARGET = NO ONFAILEDDEPENDENCY = OMITCOMPONENT USELATEST = YES [TARGETS] HOST = TARGETTYPE = UID = PWD = [END] 3.7 Forcing deployments to an earlier version of a component on a node In the following examples, HP SUM forces software deployments of earlier versions of a component on a node. 3.7.1 CLI mode Linux ./hpsum --f:bundle --softwareonly --use_location --s Windows hpsum /f:bundle /softwareonly /use_location /s 3.7.2 Input mode SILENT = YES SOFTWAREONLY = YES FORCEBUNDLE= YES ONFAILEDDEPENDENCY = OMITCOMPONENT [TARGETS] HOST = UID = PWD = [END] 3.8 Deploying two software components In the following examples, HP SUM deploys two components to the local host and forces a rewrite or downgrade if the component is already installed and it is a software component. --------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: In this example, if the listed components are not software, HP SUM does not deploy them. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.8.1 CLI example Select one of the examples below. Both examples perform the same task. Linux o hpsum --f:software cp008097.exe cp008257.exe --s o hpsum --c cp008097.exe --c cp008257.exe --f:software --s Windows o hpsum /f:software cp008097.exe cp008257.exe /s o hpsum /c cp008097.exe /c cp008257.exe /f:software /s 3.8.2 Input file mode SILENT = YES FORCESOFTWARE = YES COMPONENTSLIST= cp008097.exe, cp008257.exe ONFAILEDDEPENDENCY = OMITCOMPONENT [TARGETS] HOST = localhost UID = PWD = [END] 3.9 Using sudo to update a remote Linux node In the following examples, HP SUM logs into the remote Linux node with a userid and then executes commands using the sudo function. HP SUM uses the baseline in the directory running HP SUM. 3.9.1 CLI mode Linux ./hpsum --target --targettype linux --username --passwd --use_sudo --use_location --silent Windows hpsum /target /targettype linux /username /passwd /use_sudo /use_location /silent 3.9.2 Input file mode SILENT = YES SOURCEPATH = ONFAILEDDEPENDENCY = OMITCOMPONENT TARGETTYPE = LINUX [TARGETS] HOST = USESUDO = YES UID = PWD = [END] 3.10 Updating HP Superdome 2/X partitions In the following examples, HP SUM deploys updates to the npar3 and blade 1/1 partitions of an HP Superdome 2/X enclosure, and then reboots a partition to activate it. 3.10.1 CLI mode Linux ./hpsum -silent --target --user --password --ignore_warnings --update_type PARTITIONS --devicelist npar3,blade1/1 --rebootlist npar3 --use_location Windows hpsum silent /target /user Administrator /password 12345678 /ignore_warnings /update_type PARTITIONS /devicelist npar3,blade1/1 /rebootlist npar3 /use_location C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\SD2\3.7.60 3.10.2 Input file mode SILENT= YES SOURCEPATH = IGNOREWARNINGS = TRUE [TARGET] HOST = UID = PWD = UPDATETYPE = PARTITIONS DEVICELIST=npar3,blade1/1 REBOOTLIST=npar3 [END] 3.11 Using super user credentials to update nodes In the following examples, HP SUM logs into a remote node and then uses super user credentials to update a remote node. 3.11.1 CLI mode Linux ./hpsum --target --targetype linux --username --passwd --silent --su_username --su_password Windows /hpsum /target /targetype linux /username /passwd /silent /su_username /su_password 3.11.2 Input file mode Updating one node SILENT = YES IGNOREERRORS = ServerNotFound,BadPassword, FailedDepedencies SKIPTARGET = NO ONFAILEDDEPENDENCY=Omitcomponent SUUSERNAME = SUPASSWORD = [TARGETS] HOST = UID = PWD = [END] Updating two nodes that use the same super user credentials SILENT = YES IGNOREERRORS = ServerNotFound,BadPassword, FailedDepedencies SKIPTARGET = NO ONFAILEDDEPENDENCY=Omitcomponent SUUSERNAME = SUPASSWORD = [TARGETS] HOST = UID = PWD = [END] [TARGETS] HOST = UID = PWD = [END] Updating two nodes that use different super user credentials SILENT = YES IGNOREERRORS = ServerNotFound,BadPassword, FailedDepedencies SKIPTARGET = NO ONFAILEDDEPENDENCY=Omitcomponent [TARGETS] HOST = UID = PWD = SUUSERNAME = SUPASSWORD = [END] [TARGETS] HOST = UID = PWD = SUUSERNAME = SUPASSWORD = [END] Chapter 4 CLI parameters 4.1 Management agent installation parameters G7 and earlier servers do not support AMS agents. The following table shows which new installations occur when you use the management agent parameters. To find out if you have any management agents installed, use HP SUM to create the Firmware Details Report. For example: $ ./hpsum --report --firmware_report --s (Linux) C:\ hpsum /report /firmware_report /s (Windows) --------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: If the node already has management agents installed on it, HP SUM upgrades the agents if a newer version is available. For example, if the node has SNMP installed on it, and you use the use_ams parameter, AMS is installed and SNMP is upgraded, if a newer version is available. --------------------------------------------------------------------- +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Command | G7 and earlier | Gen8 and later | | | servers | servers | |--------------------------------------+----------------+----------------| | **If you provide no management agent | SNMP | AMS | | parameters, HP SUM deploys: | | | |--------------------------------------+----------------+----------------| | --no_mgmt (Linux) | | | | | | | | /no_mgmt (Windows) | | | | | | | | This parameter prevents any | Nothing | Nothing | | installation or upgrade of SNMP, | | | | AMS, and WBEM agents. It has no | | | | impact on any management agents | | | | installed on the system. | | | |--------------------------------------+----------------+----------------| | --use_ams (Linux) | | | | | Nothing | AMS | | /use_ams (Windows) | | | |--------------------------------------+----------------+----------------| | --use_snmp (Linux) | | | | | SNMP | SNMP | | /use_snmp (Windows) | | | |--------------------------------------+----------------+----------------| | /use_wmi (Windows only) | WBEM | WBEM | |--------------------------------------+----------------+----------------| | --use_ams --use_snmp (Linux) | | | | | SNMP | AMS and SNMP | | /use_ams /use_snmp (Windows) | | | |--------------------------------------+----------------+----------------| | /use_ams /use_wmi (Windows) | WBEM | AMS and WBEM | |--------------------------------------+----------------+----------------| | /use_wmi /use_snmp (Windows) | WBEM and SNMP | WBEM and SNMP | |--------------------------------------+----------------+----------------| | /use_ams /use_wmi /use_snmp | WBEM and SNMP | AMS, SNMP, and | | (Windows) | | WBEM | +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ 4.2 Using the command-line interface (CLI) to deploy updates 4.2.1 Command-line arguments HP SUM recognizes the command-line arguments listed in the table below. You cannot use some arguments, such as --romonly and --softwareonly, together. Help commands View the help for the CLI by typing hpsum --s --h. +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Help | Description | |-------------------------+-----------------------------------------| | --h[elp] or --? (Linux) | | | | Displays command-line help information. | | /h[elp] or /? (Windows) | | +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ Installation commands The following table lists attributes you can use while installing updates. +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Installation options | Description | |-----------------------------------+------------------------------------| |--f[orce] (Linux) |Overrides or downgrades an existing | | |component installation. This | |/f[orce] (Windows) |produces the same results as | | |f:software. | |-----------------------------------+------------------------------------| |--f[orce]:bundle (Linux) |Overrides or downgrades the existing| | |installation of components in the | |/f[orce]:bundle (Windows) |selected bundle. | |-----------------------------------+------------------------------------| |--f[orce]:rom (Linux) |Overrides or downgrades the existing| | |installation of the selected | |/f[orce]:rom (Windows) |firmware components (applies to | | |firmware only). | |-----------------------------------+------------------------------------| |--f[orce]:software (Linux) |Overrides or downgrades the existing| | |installation of the selected | |/f[orce]:software (Windows) |software components. | |-----------------------------------+------------------------------------| |--f[orce]:all (Linux) |Overrides or downgrades the existing| | |installation of the selected | |/f[orce]:all (Windows) |software components, firmware | | |components, and bundles. | |-----------------------------------+------------------------------------| | |Selects components for installation | |--g or --downgrade (Linux) |that have an available version below| | |the currently installed | |/g or /downgrade (Windows) |version. Upgrades also occur when | | |you issue this command. Can be | | |combined with rewrite. | |-----------------------------------+------------------------------------| | |Selects components for installation | |--e or --rewrite (Linux) |that have an available version below| | |the same as the installed | |/e or /rewrite (Windows) |version. Upgrades also occur when | | |you issue this command. Can be | | |combined with downgrade. | |-----------------------------------+------------------------------------| | |Limits components considered for | | |installation to only firmware | |--romonly (Linux) |components. Cannot be used with | | |softwareonly. If neither | |/romonly (Windows) |softwareonly nor romonly are used, | | |all components are considered for | | |possible installation. | |-----------------------------------+------------------------------------| | |Limits components considered for | |--softwareonly (Linux) |installation to only software | | |components. Cannot be used with | |/softwareonly (Windows) |romonly. If neither softwareonly nor| | |romonly are used, all components are| | |considered for installation. | |-----------------------------------+------------------------------------| |--port (Linux) |Changes the port HP SUM uses for the| | |internal HTTP server from 63001 to | |/port (Windows) |the selected port. | |-----------------------------------+------------------------------------| |--ssl_port (Linux) |Changes the port HP SUM uses for the| | |internal HTTPS server from 63002 to | |/ssl_port (Windows) |the selected port. | |-----------------------------------+------------------------------------| | |Allows HP SUM to open the HTTP and | | |HTTPS ports used by HP SUM for | | |external access. Also used to open | | |the ports for remote node | |--open_firewall (Linux) |functionality and for remote browser| | |access. | |/open_firewall (Windows) | | | |HP SUM deploys updates to nodes even| | |when ip_tables include DROP | | |commands. Use open_firewall to | | |bypass the DROP rules. | |-----------------------------------+------------------------------------| | |Causes the installation to run | | |silently with no GUI or interactive | | |CLI output. All data writes to the | | |log file. Do not use the | |--s[ilent] (Linux) |express_install parameter with the | | |silent parameter. | |/s[ilent] (Windows) | | | | ------------------------------- | | | IMPORTANT: HP SUM requires the | | | silent parameter for CLI commands. | | | ------------------------------- | |-----------------------------------+------------------------------------| | |Specifies which components to | | |install. Specify components to | | |install with or without the | | |c[omponent] argument. | | | | | |If you use the c[omponent] argument,| | |specify only one component per | | |argument, but you can specify | | |multiple c arguments with individual| | |components on the same command line.| | | | | |If you do not use the --c[omponent] | | |argument, specify multiple | | |components separated by a blank | | |space, and listed after all other | | |arguments on the command line. | | | | |--c[omponent]|The utility installs components in | |or |the order provided unless | | (Linux) |dependencies between components | | |require installation in a different | |/c[omponent] |order. If so, the utility changes | |or |the installation order based on the | | (Windows) |component dependencies to ensure the| | |successful installation of as many | | |components as possible. | | | | | |Specify multiple components (see | | |--c[omponent])| | |and bundles on the same command | | |line. When you mix components and | | |bundles on the command line, the | | |filter switches control what | | |components and bundles are | | |installed. | | | | | |HP SUM only uses the component name.| | |If you type the entire directory | | |path, HP SUM ignores the path. If | | |you use --use_location and c, HP SUM| | |checks both the default repository | | |and the directory provided. | |-----------------------------------+------------------------------------| |--group "group_name" (Linux) |This argument specifies an already | | |defined group name in the HP SUM | |/group "group_name" (Windows) |GUI. | |-----------------------------------+------------------------------------| | |This argument specifies bundles to | | |install. Specify bundles to install | | |with or without the b[undle] | | |argument. | |--b[undle] (Linux) | | | |Specify multiple components and | |/b[undle] (Windows) |bundles (see b[undle] ) | | |on the same command line. When you | | |mix components and bundles on the | | |command line, the filter switches | | |control which components and bundles| | |are installed. | |-----------------------------------+------------------------------------| | |Specifies a directory or file share | | |that contains the SPP, HP Integrity | | |Smart Update Firmware Bundles, and | | |components for use with HP SUM. HP | | |SUM expects that the targeted | | |file_share is a mapped file share or| | |UNC format. | | | | |--use_location "file_share" (Linux)|Without this argument, HP SUM | | |defaults to the directory that | |/use_location "file_share" |contains hpsum.exe or HP SUM. | |(Windows) | | | |Make sure the logged-in account has | | |access to this location. If the | | |location is a UNC file share, you | | |must provide credentials to the file| | |share using the unc_username and | | |unc_password. If you do not provide | | |these credentials, HP SUM uses the | | |current credentials to access the | | |share. | |-----------------------------------+------------------------------------| | |This specifies the directory that | |--import_configuration |contains component configuration | | (Linux) |settings for components in the | | |specified baseline. Imported | |/import_configuration |component configurations override | | (Windows) |components configurations in the | | |baseline. | |-----------------------------------+------------------------------------| |--unc_username (Linux) |Username credentials for accessing | | |the file share. | |/unc_username (Windows) | | |-----------------------------------+------------------------------------| |--unc_password (Linux) |Password credentials for accessing | | |the file share. | |/unc_password (Windows) | | |-----------------------------------+------------------------------------| | |Indicates that management components| | |for AMS, SNMP, and WBEM Providers | | |are not selected on the Deploy | |--no_mgmt (Linux) |screen automatically. In silent | | |mode, HP SUM does not update any | |/no_mgmt (Windows) |management components. | | | | | |For more information on management | | |options, see "Management agent | | |installation parameters". | |-----------------------------------+------------------------------------| | |HP SUM automatically selects SNMP | |--use_snmp (Linux) |components for installation. | | | | |/use_snmp (Windows) |(Linux only) HP SUM selects the SNMP| | |RPMs and the smh_templates RPMs. | |-----------------------------------+------------------------------------| | |(Windows only) HP SUM automatically | |/use_wmi (Windows only) |selects WBEM components for | | |installation. | |-----------------------------------+------------------------------------| |--use_ams (Linux) |(Gen8 and later only) HP SUM | | |automatically selects AMS components| |/use_ams (Windows) |for installation. | |-----------------------------------+------------------------------------| |--express_install (Linux) |Starts the GUI and begins Localhost | | |Guided update in automatic mode. | |/express_install (Windows) |This parameter is ignored when the | | |silent parameter is used. | +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Override error commands The following table lists attributes used to override errors HP SUM encounters. +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Overriding errors | Description | |----------------------------------------+-------------------------------| | | If you have enabled TPM, | | | ignore the warning message | | --tpmbypass or --ignore_tpm (Linux) | and continue with component | | | installation. For more | | /tpmbypass or /ignore_tpm (Windows) | information about TPM, see | | | the HP Smart Update Manager | | | User Guide. | |----------------------------------------+-------------------------------| | | Allows the installation to | | | proceed on a Linux or HP-UX | | | node that is an active member | | | of a Serviceguard cluster. If | | | you do not specify this | | | option and the node is an | | | active member of a | | | Serviceguard cluster, the | | | node does not enter the | | | installation or deploy | | --ignore_warnings (Linux) | phases. | | | | | /ignore_warnings (Windows) | Allows installation to | | | proceed after HP SUM receives | | | warnings on nodes. Some | | | warnings include: | | | | | | Active member of a | | | Serviceguard cluster | | | | | | HP-UX boot disk | | | | | | Superdome 2/X OA | |----------------------------------------+-------------------------------| | | Causes the installation to | | | continue and ignore errors. | | | Valid values are as follows: | | | | | | =ServerNotFound | | | | | | =BadPassword | | | | | | =FailedDependencies | | | | | | Use the ServerNotFound option | | | to bypass inactive or | | | unavailable remote hosts when | | | you deploy firmware or | | --continue_on_error (Linux) | software to multiple remote | | | hosts at the same time. | | /continue_on_error (Windows) | | | | Use the BadPassword option to | | | bypass remote nodes that | | | report incorrect credentials | | | provided and continue with | | | other nodes. | | | | | | Use the FailedDependencies | | | option to bypass remote nodes | | | with failed dependencies and | | | continue with other nodes | | | that are ready to be | | | installed. This can be | | | overridden by using | | | on_failed_dependency:Force or | | | :OmitComponent. | |----------------------------------------+-------------------------------| | | Instructs HP SUM to override | | | a session in progress and | | | re-initializes the | | --override_existing_connection (Linux) | installation framework on the | | | remote node. | | /override_existing_connection | | | (Windows) | If you do not include this | | | parameter, HP SUM skips the | | | node if a session of HP SUM | | | is already running on the | | | remote node. | |----------------------------------------+-------------------------------| | | The default is OmitHost. This | | --on_failed_dependency (Linux) | parameter puts the host into | | | a failure state, and HP SUM | | /on_failed_dependency (Windows) | does not attempt an | | | installation. | |----------------------------------------+-------------------------------| | --on_failed_dependency:OmitHost | | | (Linux) | Puts the host into a failure | | | state, and no installation is | | /on_failed_dependency:OmitHost | attempted. | | (Windows) | | |----------------------------------------+-------------------------------| | --on_failed_dependency:OmitComponent | Deselects the affected | | (Linux) | components and proceeds with | | | any updates that do not have | | /on_failed_dependency:OmitComponent | dependency failures. | | (Windows) | | |----------------------------------------+-------------------------------| | --on_failed_dependency:Force (Linux) | Attempts all updates, even | | | with dependency failures. | | /on_failed_dependency:Force (Windows) | | +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Reboot commands The following table lists attributes used for rebooting the nodes. +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Reboot options | Description | |---------------------------+--------------------------------------------| | | The following conditions cause the server | | | (or host server in a remote installation) | | | to reboot: | | | | | | When you select the reboot option or use | | --r[eboot] (Linux) | it in a command-line argument. | | | | | /r[eboot] (Windows) | When all components selected for | | | installation are successfully installed. | | | | | | When at least one of the installed | | | components requires a reboot to complete | | | its installation. | |---------------------------+--------------------------------------------| | --reboot_message "reboot | Displays the specified reboot message on | | message" (Linux) | remote consoles connected to the server | | | that you want to reboot. You must use this | | /reboot_message "reboot | argument with the reboot option, or the | | message" (Windows) | argument is ignored | |---------------------------+--------------------------------------------| | | Delays the reboot of the server for the | | | length of time that the timeout_in_seconds | | | variable specifies. You must use this | | | argument with the reboot option, or the | | | argument is ignored. Acceptable values are | | --reboot_delay | between 15 and 3600. | | timeout_in_secs (Linux) | | | | Defaults to 15 seconds for Windows | | /reboot_delay | operating systems and 60 seconds for | | timeout_in_secs (Windows) | Linux. | | | | | | Linux systems convert the reboot delay | | | time from seconds to minutes, and any | | | value under a full minute (59 seconds or | | | less) rounds to the next minute. | |---------------------------+--------------------------------------------| | | Forces the server to reboot under the | | | following conditions: | | --reboot_always (Linux) | | | | You select the reboot_always option or | | /reboot_always (Windows) | provide it as a command-line argument. | | | | | | All components selected for installation | | | are successfully installed. | +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Test run commands +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Simulating HP SUM | Description | |-------------------------+----------------------------------------------| | | | | --dryrun (Linux) | Simulates update deployment for a test run. | | | HP SUM does not deploy any updates. | | /dryrun (Windows) | | | | | +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Node commands The following table lists attributes for nodes you update. These attributes are related to each node, and can be used once for all nodes or specified separately for each node. +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Nodes | Description | |-------------------------+----------------------------------------------| | --user or | | | --username | Use this argument to log in to the remote | | (Linux) | nodes with the user ID. | | | | | /user or | Make sure the user name belongs to the root | | /username | or administrator group. | | (Windows) | | |-------------------------+----------------------------------------------| | --password | | | (Linux) | | | | Password for the user ID specified in the | | /password | user parameter (except for the OA node). The | | | system uses the password to log in to remote | | HP SUM also supports | nodes. | | passwd and pwd | | | (Windows) | | |-------------------------+----------------------------------------------| | | Applies the parameter for all nodes in the | | | command. This parameter is ignored for all | | | non-Linux nodes. | | | | | --use_sshkey | If you do not supply a passphrase, HP SUM | | (Linux) | prompts for one. HP SUM supports a PEM | | | format passphrase. | | /use_sshkey | | | (Windows) | For example: | | | | | | hpsum /target /user root use_sshkey | | | privatekeyfile=c:/ | | | passphrase 12345 /r /s | |-------------------------+----------------------------------------------| | --su_username (Linux) | Use su_username with use_sudo access level. | | | | | /su_username (Windows) | Do not use this command on the local host. | |-------------------------+----------------------------------------------| | | Use su_password with use_sudo access level. | | | | | | Do not use this command on the local host. | | --su_password (Linux) | To launch HP SUM on the local host using su, | | | use the following example: | | /su_password (Windows) | | | | su root | | | | | | hpsum --s --f --use_location /mnt/spp | |-------------------------+----------------------------------------------| | | When used with username and passwd, | | --use_sudo (Linux) | indicates that both are sudo user | | | credentials. | | /use_sudo (Windows) | | | | Use use_sudo with su_username and | | | su_password. | |-------------------------+----------------------------------------------| | | This is the IP address or the DNS name of a | | | remote host, which can be a remote server, | | | remote iLO NIC port, Virtual Connect | | | Ethernet or Fibre Channel Module for c-Class | | --target "netAddress" | BladeSystem, or BladeSystem OA. | | (Linux) | | | | When two OAs are in an enclosure, use the | | /target "netAddress" | active OA as the argument. When specifying | | (Windows) | the IP address, use either the IPv4 or IPv6 | | | format. | | | | | | If you are adding a VC node, use the IP | | | address of the primary Enet module. | |-------------------------+----------------------------------------------| | | Reduces inventory time for scripted | | | deployments. This is an optional | | | command-line argument. Valid node types are: | | | | | | Windows | | | | | | Linux | | | | | | iLO | | | | | | HPUX | | | | | | fc_switch | | --targettype "type" | | | (Linux) | oa | | | | | /targettype "type" | SD2 | | (Windows) | | | | virtual_connect - Use the IP address of the | | | primary VC Enet module | | | | | | sas_switch | | | | | | VMware | | | | | | Moonshot | | | | | | Use targettype with the target parameter. | | | You can interchange the sequence of | | | targettype and target. If the node name | | | includes spaces, enclose the name in | | | quotation marks, " ". | |-------------------------+----------------------------------------------| | --current_credential | Enables the use of the local host credential | | (Linux) | to access the nodes instead of providing the | | | user name and password explicitly for each | | /current_credential | node. Assumes that the current credential is | | (Windows) | valid for the nodes you are processing. | | | (Applies to Windows only.) | |-------------------------+----------------------------------------------| | | Provides the user name credential for the VC | | | target specified using the target command. | | | You can specify only one set of OA | | | credentials using command-line parameters, | | | so if you need to add multiple VC nodes | | | using the target parameter, make sure that | | --oa_username (Linux) | the OA credentials for each specified VC are | | | the same. You do not need to provide an OA | | /oa_username (Windows) | network address associated with the VC. HP | | | SUM queries it from a specified VC node. | | | | | | To update multiple VCs with different user | | | names and passwords, or VCs with OAs that | | | have different credentials, use the | | | corresponding Input files OAUID and OAPWD. | |-------------------------+----------------------------------------------| | | Provides the password credential for OA | | | associated with VC specified with the "node" | | | command-line parameter. Only one set of OA | | | credentials can be specified with | | | command-line parameters. Add multiple VC | | | nodes to command-line parameters with the | | --oa_password (Linux) | "node" parameter only if the credentials of | | | OAs associated with specified VCs are the | | /oa_password (Windows) | same. You do not need to provide an OA | | | network address associated with VC. HP SUM | | | queries it from a specified VC node. | | | | | | To update multiple VCs with different user | | | names and passwords, or VCs with OAs that | | | have different credentials, use the | | | corresponding Input files OAUID and OAPWD . | |-------------------------+----------------------------------------------| | --switch_username | | | (Linux) | Use this command to specify Moonshot switch | | | credentials. | | /switch_username | | | (Windows) | | |-------------------------+----------------------------------------------| | --switch_password | | | (Linux) | Use this command to specify Moonshot switch | | | passwords. | | /switch_password | | | (Windows) | | |-------------------------+----------------------------------------------| | --switch_enable (Linux) | | | | Use this command to enable a Moonshot node. | | /switch_enable | | | (Windows) | | |-------------------------+----------------------------------------------| | --encryption_key | This command is required to enable VC in | | (Linux) | FIPS mode. | | | | | /encryption_key | Possible value: | | (Windows) | | | | String of a minimum 8 characters. | |-------------------------+----------------------------------------------| | | Use this command to determine VC-Enet module | | | activation order. | | --ethactorder (Linux) | | | | Possible value: | | /ethactorder (Windows) | | | | ODDEVEN/PARALLEL/SERIAL/MANUAL, the default | | | is ODDEVEN. | |-------------------------+----------------------------------------------| | | Use this command to determine VC-FC | | | activation order. | | --fcactorder (Linux) | | | | Possible value: | | /fcactorder (Windows) | | | | ODDEVEN/PARALLEL/SERIAL/MANUAL, the default | | | is ODDEVEN. | |-------------------------+----------------------------------------------| | | Use this command to determine the time, in | | | minutes, between activating or rebooting | | --ethactdelay (Linux) | VC-Enet modules | | | | | /ethactdelay (Windows) | Possible value: | | | | | | Maximum 60 minutes, the default is 0 | | | minutes. | |-------------------------+----------------------------------------------| | | Use this command to determine the time to | | | wait between activating or rebooting VC-FC | | --fcactdelay (Linux) | modules. | | | | | /fcactdelay (Windows) | Possible value: | | | | | | Maximum 60 minutes, the default is 0 | | | minutes. | |-------------------------+----------------------------------------------| | | Enter the IP address for the VMware vCenter. | | | | | --vcenter_host (Linux) | Use this command with VMware vCenter nodes | | | to generate a ticket on VMware vCenters that | | /vcenter_host (Windows) | are in lock down mode. This command applies | | | to all targets in the command line. For | | | non-VMware nodes, the command is ignored. | |-------------------------+----------------------------------------------| | --vcenter_username | | | (Linux) | Enter the username to login to the VMware | | | vCenter. See the vcenter_host for more | | /vcenter_username | information. | | (Windows) | | |-------------------------+----------------------------------------------| | --vcenter_password | | | (Linux) | Enter the password to login to the VMware | | | vCenter. See the vcenter_host for more | | /vcenter_password | information. | | (Windows) | | |-------------------------+----------------------------------------------| | --skip_ilo (Linux) | This command tells HP SUM to remove iLO | | | smart components from an install set. (Linux | | /skip_ilo (Windows) | offline with EFM only) | +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Log file commands The following table lists attributes for logging details. +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Log files | Description | |-----------------+------------------------------------------------------| | | Redirects the output from HP SUM or the HP | | | BladeSystem c-Class OA flash utility to a directory | | | other than the default location. | | | | | | For Windows components, the default location is | | | %SYSTEMDRIVE%\CPQSYSTEM\hp\log and the | | --logdir "path" | redirected location is \hp\log\. | | (Linux) | | | | HP SUM creates the %SYSTEMDRIVE%\CPQSYSTEM\ | | /logdir "path" | directory as it processes components. HP SUM writes | | (Windows) | only the hpsum_log.txt, hpsum_detail_log.txt, and | | | HPSUM_InstallDetails.txt files to the redirected | | | directory. HP SUM writes other logs to the default | | | directory, | | | | | | For Linux components, the default location is | | | /var/hp/log/ and the redirected location | | | is /hp/log/. | |-----------------+------------------------------------------------------| | --v[erbose] or | | | --veryv[erbose] | Sets the verbosity level for the HP SUM execution | | (Linux) | log file, hpsum_execution_log__